Study plants, animals, and insects with the visual aids in this slideshow. Use these resources as handouts for life…
Introduce your students to different scientific topics, with this printable book. Students perform hands-on experiments…
Students learn to use a tally by counting the total number of birds and flowers that they know.
Students cut out plants and animals, and add them to a model garden habitat.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on plants and animals.
Students learn about modern farming – with and without pesticides – and the distances that food travels to get to our…
In this life science printable, students will list biological classification levels and analyze a table to answer…
Students create a classification system for types of Cerealites (pieces of cereal). Tests students' understanding of…
Distribute a printable set of vocabulary words related to where plants and animals live.
The five major kingdoms of living organisms are reviewed in this activity. Lesson plan and background information are…
In this vocabulary review for life science, students will match key terms for the characteristics of living things with…
Help students learn Spanish vocabulary for plants and animals with these printables. Each illustrated Spanish word has…